A die-hard fossil lover who loves to collect fossils either for their scientific value, hobby, profit, or to study them as amateurs, you might know that finding high-quality fossils require research, patience, and buying from only reputable sellers. After having years of experience finding and purchasing top-notch fossils. You might have gained the expertise in spotting a fake or composite fossil, building a sizable collection within your budget, identifying a high-quality one, and distinguishing trustworthy dealers from less reputable ones. Read on to know everything about the different trilobite fossils and other fossils.
Some Interesting Facts About Trilobite Fossils
Trilobites, the earliest known arthropods, were the first group of animals in the animal kingdom to develop complex eyes. They are a fossil group of extinct marine arthropods which are among the first organisms to develop multiple appendages for moving around. They were easily fossilized as they were the first creatures to be covered in exoskeletons. Read on to find some fascinating details on trilobite fossils.
- The hard-shelled, segmented creatures lived in marine waters, and many were also believed to swim, burrow, or crawl around on muddy sea floors.
- The essential signature creatures of the Paleozoic Era, Trilobites were most numerous and abundant at the end of the Cambrian Period.
- The trilobite body is divided into three major sections- a cephalon (or head), a middle region called the thorax, and a pygidium (or tail section).
- Some trilobites could roll into balls for protection since their exoskeletons were segmented.
- The smallest trilobite fossils are a centimeter or less in size, and the largest ones were more than 70 cm long.
An Overview of Crocodile Fossils

The largest and the heaviest of present-day reptiles are amphibians, animals of lizard-like appearance and predatory habits. Along with clawed webbed toes, crocodiles share a unique body with powerful jaws, short legs, and many conical teeth. Expert paleontologists found many crocodilian fossils in the Late Triassic era, which date back 200 million years. Read on to find remarkable facts about crocodile fossils.
- Three significant crocodilian fossils include the alligators, caimans, and gavials.
- Some fossils of crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus, were around 33 and 40 feet long.
- Many crocodilian species provide leather for handbags, shoes, and belts.
- The nocturnal animals have increased metabolic efficiency and are inhabitants of swamps, lakes, and rivers.
- Crocodiles have eyes with vertical, slit-shaped pupils, and they are diapsids—i.e., they have two openings on each side of the skull.
Fascinating Facts About Dinosaur Fossils
Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles whose fossils have been found on all seven continents. Although the species went extinct about 66 million years ago, the dinosaurs have lived on Earth for about 245 million years. With around 700 known species of extinct dinosaurs, they were all considered giant and fearfully tremendous and among the wildest apex predators. Here are some compelling facts about dinosaur fossils.
- Paleontologists have been searching the dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, classifying specimens, & examining their characteristics.
- Dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus had slightly curved, serrated, and pointed teeth that helped them catch and grind their food.
- Diplodocus was long-necked and had pencil-like teeth.
- Avian dinosaurs have skeletal features, and some even have wings.
Shop for Your Favorite Fossil Collection From Us!
Fossil Age Minerals can be your best go-to place if you search for an online store to buy authentic and original trilobite, crocodile, and other dinosaur fossils. Reach out to us to know more about our affordable, premium-quality fossils.