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Pink Halite Mineral Collection

Halite, also referred to as “rock salt,” is a commonly found and well-known mineral. It is also crucial for life forms on this planet. It is the naturally occurring form of salt. It can be found in salt lakes and oceans in a dissolved solution or as a solid mass in various locations formed via various processes. Halite comes in a range of colors due to impurities, crystal lattice defects or-- in the case of the peach and pink varieties-- bacteria present along with certain dry lake halite specimens. This crystal must be kept dry, as it is a sodium chloride crystal and therefore soluble in water. It exhibits an isometric crystal system, a transparent to translucent transparency, a brittle tenacity, a vitreous luster, a white streak, and a hardness of 2-2.5 on the Mohs scale. Everyone knows that salt is one of the most commonly used spices for flavoring the foods we eat. It is also used in large quantities to melt ice on roads and walkways so that we may walk and drive safely on them.
