3.3" Basilosaurus Tooth Rooted Prehistoric Whale 34 Mil Yrs Old Late Eocene COA
Location: Dakhla Western Sahara, South Morocco
Weight: 1.5 Ounces
Dimensions: 3.3 Inches Long, 1.6 Inches Wide 0.5 Inches Thick (Matrix)
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
This is a real fossil tooth.
The item picture is the one you will receive.
Name: Basilosaurus (King Lizard).
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore.
Size: Estimated between 50 Feet to 70 feet
Known locations: North Africa, North Africa
Time period: Late Eocene Period 40 to 34 Million Years Ago
Basilosaurus is a prehistoric whale that lived approximately 40 million to 34 million years ago during the Late Eocene Period. It was first discovered in the 19th century in the United States and was originally thought to be some kind of prehistoric reptile. This is why it was given the name Basilosaurus in 1834, which means “king lizard.”
Looking at the Basilosaurus picture, you can tell that this whale was pretty big. In fact, it was approximately 70 feet long and weighed around 15 tons. That means that it was longer than a semi-trailer and was approximately as heavy as a modern cruise ship’s anchor.
This whale was a carnivore, as evidenced by its teeth and jaws. Scientists have studied this whale’s jaws and teeth and have discovered that it probably had an enormous bite-force. They found that this whale could bite down with a force of about 2,300 pounds.
Why did this whale have such an enormous bite-force? Well, it had one so that it could hunt down and kill its favorite prey. Paleontologists believe it probably feasted on large fish and small whales and probably anything else it could have gotten hold of.